WOOOOOW!! I never thought I would get 1K Reads on a book this fast! Thanks to all who read it and pls tell me if I ruined it or you like where it's going! I really need the feedback.
I'm sorry I've been inactive y'all. Imma get to it!
Have a good weekend!
@Imnotfamous1276 I'll give it a read for sure! Thanks for bearing through my cringe fanfic, it means a lot to me. I'll comment on the last chapter as soon as I can. Happy Holidays!
WOOOOOW!! I never thought I would get 1K Reads on a book this fast! Thanks to all who read it and pls tell me if I ruined it or you like where it's going! I really need the feedback.
I'm sorry I've been inactive y'all. Imma get to it!
Have a good weekend!
@AJRLOVER hope you like the changes i made to the story. Unless you weren't here when it was the other version, in that case, enjoy the upcoming chapters in August.