Read 'The Last 16' about s girl who loses her memory. HELP FOR READS OR anything.
Here is the prologue :
I remember that moment. It's the only thing I can remember right now, but the car, it flipped. Seven damn times. And for a moment, for a moment everything seemed fine. Just a time for me, to breathe and sit next to my passive aggressive twin brother Max. My parents were talking, loving every moment together as they always had.
And then it hit us. That big red truck slammed straight into us. And the pain was surreal. I remember my mother screaming at my dad to yield right. My brother looked at me with horror, my face smacked into the back side of my fathers leather drivers seat.
Then another car, smacked us on my fathers side. The impact was horrid. My brother and I screaming as the car kept rolling, until it finally knocked us into a blissful sleep. And I dreamed, I dreamed in a place with lilacs and a sunny sky. Roses and a dreamy blue sky. Dancers and singers, like a band but no one was singing and no one was talking.
Everyone stood still. And then I woke up, to an officer trying to talk to me. My windpipe being broken, I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell him I wasn't fine and that I needed to know about my family.
There was no time. I felt my heart thumping slower and quieter in my chest. Is this the last time I am to be alive. Is this the last time I am to be living and breathing the beautiful autumn air. No. I can't let God take me. I knew my family was dead. But I must survive with my brother. I had too. Even if he was passive aggressive he was still the only thing, I would ever have in life now.
Where would we go. We're not little kids anymore. We couldn't live in the system. And we certainly didn't have any money like my parents. Life's gone. Life is over. I am ruined. There is not faith. There is no hope.
It's gone. My time is up.