
Hey guys since I only did 2 chapters this week for Shane’s Daughter book I decided that I’d spend this week still writing it since it isn’t fair that I only uploaded twice last week.


Hi guys I just wanted to say that I might not update any stories for a while. Due to something that has happened recently with my family. I need some time for myself. Idk how long I'll be gone. But I doubt it'll be long. For now PLEASE take care of yourself and know that you are loved. Whatever is going just know that you matter and you are loved. I love you guys very much take care byyyye 


I understand 


Hey guys idk why I still cannot publish the chapter. It could be because its windy here or its because of the wifi. I don't know what to do. This really sucks I'm going to try to write the next chapter and see if it'll let me upload it. Or I'll uninstall the app and try again. It keeps saying there's an error and to try again sooo I'm going to try to figure this out.


@Chanbien I think so 2 hopefully this doesn't happen again. If so I'll let you guys know. ❤❤


I think it’s the WiFi connectivity 


Hey guys I decided to have a schedule for each book I have starting next week. So for next week I'll start updating Connor x Reader all week. Then the week after I'll update parent scenarios. Then the week after that week I'll be updating being Shane's daughter. Itll be a routine and hopefully I can stick to it lol. I love you guys very much take care of yourselves.❤


If you died I wouldn't be at your funeral I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you we are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to anyone you care about including me if you care once opened send this to fifteen people including me  if you get at least three you are loved  nobody knows how important something is until they lose it if you break this chain, you will have bad luck tonight at exactly 12 am the person you will love realise they love you. Then at 1am to 2am, get ready for the sclock of your lr life a friend told me this, so pass it on tomorrow, boys and girls will ask if you  can ask if you can ask if they have your number send this to fifteen nice people, or bad luck will  start for a whole year