
Her name is httpkaycat 


Can I say OURAN FOR LIFE!!!! IT WAS MY FIRST ANIME (other then avatar the last air bender but that's American not Japanese) TAMAKI IS MY FAV!!!!!! Could you maybe write a tama-chan X reader *says well looking at anshie_chan and rocking well looking kawaii*pwease


Haha, I can try but it might take a while. Only because I'm working on a story right now, and I don't really have a lot of time to work on it. However, I will find time to start a new story focusing mainly on Tamaki! Thanks for reading my story by the way!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!! XDXD <3


Ok guys so my BEST FRIEND :D! ( cousin) is the one that helps me edit my stories! She is in the process of making her own story but still finds time to edit mine. MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY times I might post a chapter and then later it is updated , edited by my BFF, AMD it might be way different. She knows how to write stories very well. So most of my chapters will be edited about kinda just like hers. So what I'm trying to say is that I am going to put stories and she will edit it and make it seem completely different.( in a good way)  so bye!


you make me happy 