
Would anyone want to read if I take a sharp turn from original stories and post a fanmade Power Ranger fic?


I so want to write a fic where all of my fandom OCs meet up and do stupid shenanigans together. Almost all of them are girls though.
          (and along with that, another shenanigan story about my beloved Italian Power Rangers)


Should I write some DW stories here too...? I do have some ideas for AU, but I don't know if it's going to be well-received or not.


@antaREStha That's fine! ^w^


@Wyyvernn It's not "character × reader" like everyone's usual fics though... just AU with elements from my childhood superhero shows ^^)a




Warning : this is a rant.
          The reason I very rarely open Wattpad these past days is, I have thesis to do. Yeah, it's that time already, I'm in the second-to-last semester with a repeat class. I don't want to fail, but on the other hand, I actually regret having to do the thesis on this semester since I was already a wreck ever since the thing with internship. But well, as if anyone cares.
          I got a favourite fandom to research on, but my scientific writing skill sucks to the maximum. And that annoying feeling when you instantly don't know what to write once Word is in sight... ugh.
          Healing is utter crap for me right now.
          (P.S. : I pray for memory loss regarding every story I write. I truly am desperate.)


I-want-to-torture-my-OCs-so-bad!Res here. I'm currently working on Pasto Answers Letters, and I'm starting a new work called "Guardian Series".
          By the way, does anybody here know how to psychologically torture people to the point they consider suicide/they die from stress-induced illness? I want to try that to soothe my mind. *wink*


I don't get it. Why must the best ideas come in dire situations?
          I'm taking a break (hopefully, a short one) from Disappearance until things loosen up a bit... which is most likely never happening, since Research LOVES to flip the bird at me.
          Ugh. Res, out.


Sooo... okay, I never speak here, so I'll start.
          Pasto Answers Letters takes time to continue since I'm such a stressed jerk, but I'll make sure chapters 10 and 11 are done before June ends (because, of course, birthdays).
          Disappearance has been diverging away from its daily-update schedule, but I try to keep up. Even with the midterms coming ahead.
          Final Term Battles, Akito's Pontianak Adventure, Resverse Oneshot Collection, Unfamiliar, and Diary Para Dewa (Deity Diaries) are put on hold until my mind is fully replenished. As for the third, I'll remake it to two separate versions : one for the Indonesian stories and another for the English ones.
          That's all for today. Ciao!


Hello! That Yue Jin X Reader you requested a little while ago is up! >>>

          I have yet to work on Ma Chao, thank you for requesting!


I actually have read it, and it's lovely! Thank you! :D