
tysm for the reads on Bus Rides, im so so grateful ♡ also thank you to those who message me afterwards as well, I love you all ♡ 


this message may be offensive
i haven't been active in sooo long... for those who do miss my writing, i sincerely apologize. idk if ill start writing anytime soon, or ever again for that matter but i wanted to say sorry, at least to myself for letting the bright light i had in my heart fade. i may have never been too good at writing, but i met plenty of amazing people through my average writing skills and the fact that my writing was able to give people a good time makes me really happy. the only story i have up is Bus Rides because it was maybe the 1st or 2nd story i finished so it holds a lot of meaning to me even though im not exactly too fond of it. i think the concept is kind of fucked up, so i apologize for that as well. nonetheless, i hope it's a good read and that some people still enjoy it <3


i just noticed that we’ve been friends for over two years and i miSS YOU MY HASHTAG LOVE LIKE SERIOUSLY I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN’T TALK TO YOU IN FOREVER BUT I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND I HOPE YOU’RE DOING AMAZING AND WELL AND if you need anyone to talk to i’m here and haaaaa i miss you fam ❤️


jackie!!! i’m four days late because my phone forgot to notify me day of and every time i tried putting a message on your board, wattpad would screw me over. but!! wattpad glitching out won’t stop me from wishing you a happy one year anniversary to our friendship!!! it’s been a crazy year with ups and downs but it’s been a great 365 days knowing you and being friends with you. every time i talk to you, you put a smile on my face. and even if i have to wait, which is fine, i value every message you send to me. you make me so happy whether it be through your jokes, singing, or selfies. everything about you makes me so happy and i wouldn’t trade you for anybody. i’m so glad you felt i was worthwhile and decided to talk to me. if you didn’t, i would of missed out on the best person in my life. te quiero mucho  to another year of great moments and lots of “pls eat and sleep well” messages!!! 


nO it’s alright don’t apologise for anything, it’s alright if you get off your phone for a few months at a time when life’s hard, i’m fine with waiting. as long as you’re not shutting everybody out and you’re resolving whatever’s making life annoying, i don’t mind you leaving for a bit. and wowie noodles and sprite sounds like the life yummy yummy
            ((,: thank thank to another year of ups and downs and more long ass essays 


@sereinnn p.s.s “+ more of our iconic ass essays” 


            (p.s. i hope you had a good day and that you’ve been well in general . don’t skip meals and smile lots even if it feels hard to do so . i love you lots solecito ♡)


it appears that almost every masterpiece has been deleted )): do whatever you want with your account, but know there’s one thousand of us who loaf you loads and want you here 


@sereinnn ah i love how even these messages come out as novels ((“: 


@sereinnn i hope to not disappoint ! and yeah updating is for suckers anyways so it’s whateva (im still going to try hard highkey cause im a loser/sucker l m a o) and you’re welcome ! i genuinely want to tho, Anatomy was part of how our wonderful ass relationship came to be so it makes me love it more (that and you’re hilarious and your writing is // insert one hunnit and flame emojis //)
            feliz fin de año querida ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


ah ok i understand, i look forward to your new stories then!!!¡ (only publish when you want tho, bud, don’t worry about being active like ppft active is for l0sers) 
            thank you, you don’t have to catch up 
            sí,  te quiero mucho tambien 
            feliz año nuevo, tienes un año bueno amor¡¡!! 


oh my, what happened to your account love ??? 


@VMINPABO honestly yes lmao but hey, the only problem here would be if we still did it oOoOo nO #CringeAttacc


@antaesocial true true, it was still pretty gross though 


oh god what happened to your stories?


anytime ❤


@fataeful thank you, im grateful towards you and your words of kindness ❤️


the important thing is your goodness. don't force yourself to write something. if you don't wanna write, don't write. please take care ♡♡