
Okay, I just want to throw it out there that I AM going to rewrite Way With Words! This is such an awesome community and I've met so many cool people, so I promise I'm not abandoning it. However, I have neither the time nor the patience (mostly the patience) to deal with the mess it is this school year unless I miraculously become hyper-organized, so any curious readers can expect updates come... June? :)))) I know, I'm terrible. Lo siento, mis amigos. 
          	- Maya


I'm home sick with the flu today, so I'm going to try to write! If the story comes easily, update today, if not... Well, I'm good at procrastinating.


Okay, I just want to throw it out there that I AM going to rewrite Way With Words! This is such an awesome community and I've met so many cool people, so I promise I'm not abandoning it. However, I have neither the time nor the patience (mostly the patience) to deal with the mess it is this school year unless I miraculously become hyper-organized, so any curious readers can expect updates come... June? :)))) I know, I'm terrible. Lo siento, mis amigos. 
          - Maya


I'm home sick with the flu today, so I'm going to try to write! If the story comes easily, update today, if not... Well, I'm good at procrastinating.


hey guys! well I have started my last year of middle school (yes ik I'm practically a fetus I'm so young I've heard it all I GET IT) and so far it's going pretty fantastically! I got the classes I want and I was able to catch up with old friends and everything went right! I should be able to update THIS WEEKEND assuming I have minimal homework, so keep your eyes peeled for that! if any of you started school today or recently, tell me how it was!


hey guys, I am back home for good after camp and vacation, which means my hiatus is officially over!!! however, it's been hectic since I've gotten back, mostly bc school starts in 3 days... time flies! that's why you've seen no updates, but I promise that as soon as I've settled into the new school year, I'll finish way with words (finally!) and post the description and cover of the SEQUEL!!
          camp was especially fabulous, though to anyone wondering (shout out to @seemingly & @vangoghoe for asking, u r both the real homies)
          so yeah, keep your eyes peeled for updates! thanks again for your incredible patience this summer!!