
Started the year off by crying, getting my period and straining a muscle. 2022 is going to be great!


Sorry for dumping all my sh!t onto wattpad but nobody actually listens so I guess it's better to know that someone may actually read this and give a damn 


@no_feet_pics_ok thank you so much! That made me feel a lot happier to hear that <33 


Girl I am here for u if u need to rant I will listen 


I can't tell my friends how much I hate life and want it to end or tell them my problems because whenever I do they never listen or care, same with my Carers, whenever I show a bit of vulnerability or sadness to them they always shout at me for being emotional or they say "oh god she's in another one of her moods" or they say "chill out, god you dont need to be so mardy all the time." I just want someone to at least help me and tell me that everything's going to be okay, I honestly I feel so trapped here. My life is just completely slipping out of control and I hate it 


Schools actually so draining. I got back my options results and I picked Preforming arts because Its my dream to become an actress but I didn't get it, instead I got french which was my second option even thought I hate french. I hate this so much, I know it's not a big deal but it's my dream and I feel as if I have to let go of that dream because it will never happen.