Hello everyone its been a pretty long time since we last updated Chaos of the sane. But we've finally finished another chapter on time this time and will be posting it tomorrow for your viewing pleasure!
! Important Announcement !
Due to busier schedules we will be changing the times in which "Chaos of the Sane" Is updated.
Instead of weekly updates we will be changing to monthly. We apologize for the inconvenience but this alternative is much less stressful for us.
So update will be on the 29TH OF EVERY MONTH. We will be posting another chapter this Saturday but from there on out it will turn to monthly.
Good evening Everyone.
We're apologies for no posting the newest chapter today. It had completely slipped our minds as both of us have been rather busy.
So we will be posting the newest chapter today. (Sunday)
Things will go back its normal updating schedule soon!