

           In case anyone was wondering, yes, I’m still here. Still writing. Need proof? *plots a little new story down for A Blue Reality* Hope ya’ll enjoy it. 


          A little peek behind my weekend plans :)
          Oh, gosh dang it!  It's that time of year again, flu season, and Alina's in for a little shot. 
          “A kiss,” Alina said. “Give him a kiss, please. That’s what you do when you give someone a boo-boo.” 


Question…..I got my flu shot today. Should Alina get one? (Or do I just suffer alone?) 


@MacheMuqattash Yes she does. Dr. William and Dr. Carlton better chop-chop to it! :) 


@anyasimon63 Alina needs all her vaccinations updated. 


           Happy Saturday!!!!!
           I did Alina a little favor, and finally (having a break from being chased by uni life) updated her very blue reality!!!!! YAY! ABOUT FREAKING TIME! 
           I hope this update finds everyone well and happy! I had fun writing and look forward to the next part! Please, enjoy, like, share, comment, or do whatever. 
           All my love and thanks,
           {*goes off to hug Dr. William*} Oh, Dr. William, you better take care with our Alina’s heart! :) 


Hey there! 
           I know! I know! Where’s the update?! Where’s Alina?! Where’s Dr. William?! Where oh where are they?! 
           I know exactly where they are. However, it’s taking a little longer than expected in my writing than I thought it would. So, I’m sorry about that. I hope, within the next few days, or sooner to have something out and about for you all. But, until then, please, bare with me. :) 
          I promise I’ve not abandoned anyone. 
          All my love and thanks,
           (So far, I adore and love what I’ve written so far! Can’t wait to share with ya’ll when I can! Yay! ) :) 


@MacheMuqattash Me too! I’m sorry for the wait!!!!!! 


          From a distance, he watched Alina. Quietly, feeling half paralyzed, a small piece of him hoped she'd notice him. Look up from the grey blanket she was staring at, and through the curtains, see him. When she did, he'd hear her speak, her voice invisible to everyone but him, asking he come nearer. That she needed him closer to ward off the fear that was running wild within her.
           #Iwonderwho #ABlueReality


@anyasimon63 you’re such a tease! Update already, Wolfie! You killing us! 