
Bye guys! I'll most likely still be somewhere on wattpad and check out this account occassionally because hey, this is where I had many good times for over a year  its not really goodbye though because you might stumble onto me (though you probably wont know it) ;)


Proof I really was trying to improve  and nope nothing improved much
          The one similar to the one I put into the story was a practise because I suck  that weird bacl and white one was made because I didnt know what to do so bad it then abandoned it. I was thinking of making something like a black and white with splashes of colour but urghhh it seems terrible. 


          Well there you have it. I know Im not exactly great at art, I'll try my best to improve now (motivation you better come back you traitor, nah I know its my own fault ) because I am truly disappointed in myself.


Wow. Your pretty good. That Sky and grass was detailed 


Artwork is going pretty well! I  couldn't use watercolour properly so I jumped onto digital, looks like it'll take a bit longer than I thought. 2 days is max deadline :)


well damn I am seriously sorry but some stuff  came up, I think I need some extra time T^T I hate breaking promises but I can't just put up this half done thing >.<


Folder on dropbox with the story so you can do whatever you want with it :) edit it because my tenses are ridiculous, share it, use it to see what mistakes you should avoid ;), make an alternate ending. Idk but I don't mind, just please don't take credit for the parts that are mine (I mean like if you are rewriting XD The base with still mine but all the fancy nice stuff is yours :D). I know my story isn't a masterpiece or anything but I put my heat and time into it. Thank you for reading this silly person's fanfiction!


REALLY? I wrote HEAT XD sorry I mean 'heart' HAHAHhajhAHAHahah


My memory is so ridiculous I forgot if I'm written something, If you've read my story, please answer me if you have time! I believe I wrote somewhere that Levi's parents are usually at work and they barely spend time with Levi. However I am not 100% sure and this is a bit necessary for the last chapter and YES I AM SPOILING IT A BIT but I don't want to wreck it ): If you know, please tell me if I've written that in one of the chapters, if you are sure I did not write anything about that then please PLEASE tell me! Thank you!


@ao_kokoro okay dw about it I'll just include it even though I'm not entirely sure >×<


I know I taking advantage of my followers but please help me with something! Do you know a story written on Archive of Our Own that is Ereri, FULL of pick up lines? There are two books in the series, second book is called Oh my God I think but i couldn't find it when I searched it up. I need this because I'm looking for pick up lines to use in my zine for my school subject Media. If you have any pick up lines that are non-sexual or not too sexual then I'd appreciate it very much if you just write it as a reply, thank you so much! >.<
          ALSO the last chapter of my story is currently at 1700 words, I'm hoping to make it long so I hope you can wait until then. Thank you following me and not hating me even though it's been so long! I'm very amazed and happy that I've made it this far. I honestly never thought I'd get even 100 votes (no joke). It's a mind blowing journey and I will try my best to end it in the best way possible :D


Whoops I replied tagging myself  


@ao_kokoro XD it's a pretty good one!!!


@TwhaleLord I don't want to waste your time but if you have anymore,  I'd love to get it :3 by the way,  have you heard of this one?  'Are you a corn field? Cuz I'm stalking you'  :) 