Hi Tee! happy new year!
wow it feels weird to be back here; its been 12 years since I started reading your work; I don't remember the last time I read it but every so often I think about my favorite novel and what happened to it.
Wattpad was a place of comfort and refuge during difficult years, and I keep you and your stories close to my heart.
who knows, maybe in a few years you'll publish your books, and you can be certain I will be in line to get them.
as I said in my old (obnoxious) private messages back then, you truly are great at writing, now that we are all adults I just hope life hasn't made it difficult for you to have continued with storytelling, I hope you never stopped; that you have piles piles of diaries of stories that came to you out of nowhere lol I don't know.
I guess I just wanted to say I miss you and your talent, I guess I also miss those years (life hasn't been a joy ride for me either) and I hope you're doing great wherever you are.
love, MeelF.