Two years ago today, as I wanted to explore and get out of my comfort zone since I'll be sweet sixteen then, I explored my hobby, writing. Brainstorming and making drafts and plots is always so fun and exciting. I wanted to celebrate this journey that I inconspicuously started. Thank you to everyone who read my works despite starting with my amateur writing. For me, 10,000+ isn't just a number, it is us connecting through the words that we always wanted to hear but we never received. I believe we are still here 'cause we are destined to hear them from that unexpected someone and thank you for letting me be that unexpected person. Once more, thank you to all of you. I appreciate our small community here.
Until always,
Ps. TEOU Chap 2 is still ongoing. Maybe, I'll publish it next week since I had a fever and I'll be celebrating with my family tomorrow.