
Hi everyone, it's kind of weird to be back here! It's been over a year since I've posted anything :( I really intended to get back to writing Precarious, but sadly my husband and I experienced a miscarriage and it was really traumatic, so I couldn't bring myself to continue a story involving pregnancy until I had mentally recuperated. I am doing much better now, and while I still mourn the loss of our baby, I am able to look back on that period of time with some fondness as it has positively shaped my perception of life and motherhood. I hope to have some new chapters posted soon so we can all get closure on this story! Thanks for bearing with me! 


@aphaseofthemoon hey, I found your story just recently and I am so sorry you had to go through that <3


@aphaseofthemoon omg, I am so so sorry for ur loss<3 take ur time.


Hi everyone, it's kind of weird to be back here! It's been over a year since I've posted anything :( I really intended to get back to writing Precarious, but sadly my husband and I experienced a miscarriage and it was really traumatic, so I couldn't bring myself to continue a story involving pregnancy until I had mentally recuperated. I am doing much better now, and while I still mourn the loss of our baby, I am able to look back on that period of time with some fondness as it has positively shaped my perception of life and motherhood. I hope to have some new chapters posted soon so we can all get closure on this story! Thanks for bearing with me! 


@aphaseofthemoon hey, I found your story just recently and I am so sorry you had to go through that <3


@aphaseofthemoon omg, I am so so sorry for ur loss<3 take ur time.


          At this point, the character became so overwhelmed by the talk of others and by her own expectations of who she should be that she momentarily felt that death would be a better circumstance. During this time, she experiences a moment of derealization and reaches a point where she forgets why she has pushed through her challenges thus far. Upon feeling her unborn baby move, she is brought back from the derealization and remembers why she has persevered until this point. She finds hope in her baby and her partner, and uses them as a beacon to keep living. In this case, the character believes that death has no meaning because she is still struggling with the loss of her parents, which she has not found meaning in, as well as the consequence of her own actions should she continue her current thought process. In essence, after coming back to the present, she realizes that staying alive and fighting through her challenges means more than simply succumbing to death in the face of hardship. This is an important turning point in the story and will make much more sense at the end when we find out what becomes of the characters. I hope that provides some insight for you!


@lesbianl0v3rgirl, here is some perspective to the most recent chapter. I really wanted to get into the character's emotional state here. She's under so much pressure being a graduate student, then becoming involved in a relationship that, regardless of actual regulations, is taboo and likely frowned upon by others. Additionally, she has fallen pregnant at a time which is not beneficial for her with a man who she has not been with for long, all the while trying to prevent a pregnancy in the first place. Also, because of her parents' death and their past professions of chemistry, she feels that she has to hold up to and exceed their presumed expectations. All of these stressors at once have caused her to break down mentally, and she is struggling with her own self-actualization and with becoming the person she thought she would be. For some people with mental illness or trauma, a coping mechanism (albeit ineffective) is self depreciation, and part of growing through your illness and into yourself is learning to cope properly, which we will eventually see from her.


@aphaseofthemoon its always helpful to seek help or talk to someone professional or trusted! But sometimes it just flies. Myself I don't seek the help as much as is needed but these books are enough to keep my going hence the books yoy write. But have a good night to u too!


@lesbianl0v3rgirl you have a good night as well!


@lesbianl0v3rgirl also wanted to let you know, I myself struggle with mental illness and some of the thoughts that my character struggles with. My own experience and my perceived experiences of others guided my writing here. But I do understand that no two people cope, think, or behave the same! If there are any other sensitivity warnings you think would be beneficial, let me know and I'll edit it!!


Next chapter is finally published! I spent a long time determining how I wanted this chapter to play out and how I wanted it to fit into the main theme of the story, so my apologies for the delay. There's a lot of self-discovery in this chapter and I'm so excited to develop this character further. Also, I can't believe Precarious has almost 10k reads! Huge thanks to every reader and voter out there! As always, your feedback is most welcomed! Happy New Year!


Next chapter is up! I took my last final today so it's back to writing every day until next semester! I hope you guys like it, I really tried to churn this one out quickly so you had some new content. As always let me know what you think!! ❤️


PM me if you need to talk. I know you need all the support you can get in nursing school. Haha!


@SnapesTrueLove  thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me 


YAY for graduation! It’ll be here before you know it. So proud of you!!! You’re going to be a great nurse. And I’m so glad you like my story. That makes me so happy!!! 


You guys...I finally got around to publishing another chapter of Precarious! Nursing school is kicking my ass so I hardly have any time to write. Thanks for your patience!!


@aphaseofthemoon <333 look after yourself! but also thank you so much bc your book gives me life


Holy Mother Mary, my friend is in nursing school too! She struggled for her first year but said she started getting in the swing of things. I hope it all goes well! Thank you for the new chapter, but please don’t feel the need to publish anything if you’re busy! Good luck with your studies! <3