
Im going, starting this week, to write book reviews and also movie and TV show reviews.
          	Depends how long it is if how long these are going to be... Hopefully you guys enjoy it and 
          	The first one coming out might me... 
          	Things I'm seeing without you.
          	There might be spoilers...hopefully not...
          	*******My mission****************
          	On this idea, I'm going to make it susspenceful, making you guys want to read it.
          	Obovicly my mission is to encourage you to read. To read more.
          	Without further Ado...


@aphshubunny Will be waiting for ur new book!


Im going, starting this week, to write book reviews and also movie and TV show reviews.
          Depends how long it is if how long these are going to be... Hopefully you guys enjoy it and 
          The first one coming out might me... 
          Things I'm seeing without you.
          There might be spoilers...hopefully not...
          *******My mission****************
          On this idea, I'm going to make it susspenceful, making you guys want to read it.
          Obovicly my mission is to encourage you to read. To read more.
          Without further Ado...


@aphshubunny Will be waiting for ur new book!


Well I'm nervice... Starting highschool 
          AUGUST 7TH


@aphshubunny there's nothing to be nervous about and sorry I haven't texted in a while I went on a cruise. It was awesome. They played this thing called musical men. I only recorded the final round but it was hilarious . Im going to send you the video


You will understand the Rose thing when I publish a part or so in à story.
          I honestly didnt know anyone ever read this page of mine but apparently some do so i needed to clear things up.
          And tbh I only usually use this as notes to myself 
          _ AphShuBunny


Thx for the follow, ever read\follower counts lol  


Yeah of course the more the better I say lol


@bkw2020 yes ofc and so does every supporter and friends count as well , would you like to be friends?