Hai bbys wattpaders. Sudi baca fanfic saya tak? And give me a little bit of supported from you all. And if you want to follow me just tell me. I will followback ❤ Dekat bawah ada link eyy
https://my.w.tt/XIBRaSKpy8 (Kim Seokjin fanfiction)
https://my.w.tt/hBniKRIpy8 (Min Yoongi fanfiction)
Hi awaks~ tumpang promote boleh? Kalau sudi, jemputlah baca ff mel yang bertajuk "Vengeance of Geisha". Genre? horror, paranormal and a bit of comedy. Lepas baca kasilah mel bintang, rawr! ❤️
I think you'd like this story: "[OG] Vengeance of Geisha 게이샤의 복수 + Ailee ft. Bol4" by aestmel on Wattpad https://my.w.tt/bZx3xeMzO7
Jemput baca Ff firaaa Online Apps JeonJungkook ! Segala vote dan comments amat digalakkan !♥️ Sambil2 tu boleh kita kenal2♀️