Hi everyone!! It's been way too long since I've really been on Wattpad, and WAY too long since I updated When Time Stood Still. For those of you who have been waiting for chapter 7, I just published it! I hope everyone likes it. I have a plan for chapter 8 already and will start writing it today, so that should be up a lot faster than it took me for chapter 7. I started writing chapter 7 a little over a month ago, but then I hit some writer's block and have been really busy with other things. Still, almost every day I kept feeling a nagging guilt that I'd been making some of you who have been reading the story wait so long. Especially Disney-Oncer (your patience and support has been probably the biggest force that got this story this far), fabulouswan, 365daysofCaptainSwan, Once_CSOQ, CrisLopezM5, the_broken_swan, and OUAT_Person. Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments!
On another note, I'm finally getting caught up on OUAT season 4B. Unfortunately I never get to watch it when it's actually on TV, and always end up searching for decent video on YouTube or waiting terribly long for it to be on Netflix! I watched 4A a few months ago on YouTube, but I'm just now watching 4B since it's finally on Netflix. Not seeing as much CaptainSwan as I'd like so far, but I'll try to be patient. xD
Thanks again everyone, I hope you continue to enjoy the story!