
I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     
          P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed are available on Wattpad! ♡  


Thank you for reading "my soul is in the sky". Love your comments. :)


@apisgirl :) Thank you. I have received many requests to write a sequel. And I tried. But... Honestly, it was a deja vu experience when I wrote "my soul is in the sky". After the initial setting, the story has taken its own path. I did not know how it would lead me. I merely followed. So for now, I believe that my best action is to wait. :)


            The story was so gripping. I usually don't like love triangles, but luckily there has been just a moderate amount of drama from that. Just enough jealousy to make the characters seem real.
            The setting, and the history of the time is fascinating. It's one of those books that you just don't want to put down. I was still reading at midnight, and at the end of the story, I was disappointed because I didn't want it to end.
            It would have been really cool if she inadvertently traveled back (or is it forward?) through to her own time and brought him with her.


Hi! Thanks so much for reading and voting on FACES! It's very much appreciated and I hope you've enjoyed the story!!! :)


haha, I'm sure there's plenty of typos like that or missing quotations at the end of a piece of dialogue. I haven't line-edited that far but I imagine they're prolific, especially around the climax. That's when I'm free-writing like a mo-fo and giving no real thought to much else than just getting the words out. 
            Well, the story's solid as-is; but I can and have (I think) given it more depth in these early stages of the rewrite. The changes are mostly minor, but a couple of them are pretty major. They don't affect the outcome or the fundamental plot as a whole, but they add a good bit of authenticity to the characters' experiences, emotions, and conflicts, and, hopefully, to the reader's experience as well.


            Just finished Faces... how exactly can you make that story better? It's already impossibly awesome. There were a handful of tiny errors (like having 'and' twice or 'in' instead of 'is') clustered around the climax of the story; but the writing is solid, the characters are marvelous,  and the emotional weight and turmoil are just at that perfect balance where it gets you without being too overpowering.


@apisgirl Aw, really? Thank you so much! I'm currently rewriting it and expanding some parts, revising others, and delving deeper into some aspects that I sort of whipped through while writing these very early drafts (I'm a total pantser and it shows lol). Hoping the finished product will bring lots more dimension and substance to the story. Right now it's on track for a summer publication date, but there's still lots of work ahead! So glad you've enjoyed it, and I hope you'll enjoy the polished and pretty version when it's released!