hi!!! i have question is it possible to find out your past lives with a spririt board? :)
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https://www.twitch.tv/robbiethebee uhhhh JOIN MY STREAM PLEASE IM BEGGING
@apollo_targaryen I did make a twitch account, the next time I can join, I will</3
hi!!! i have question is it possible to find out your past lives with a spririt board? :)
https://www.twitch.tv/robbiethebee uhhhh JOIN MY STREAM PLEASE IM BEGGING
@apollo_targaryen I did make a twitch account, the next time I can join, I will</3
it has been fun, it has been wild, and a little bit scary sometimes. and i'm thankful for everyone who followed, i really am. but its time for me to leave this account. i will be going inactive pretty much indefinitely after this announcement. much love, you all are wonderful and deserve to be treated as such. -robbie <3
favorite youtuber GO
favorite music artists GO
I have the most white girl music taste but I’m in love with Taylor swift/Harry styles/Conan gray/Billie eilish
in my hogwarts shifting era again sorry i was gone, i'm unfortunately not dead lol
Glad your back! Super worried about you :) also I got an update on my shifting experience!!! The other night I was going to sleep not planning on shifting but my whole body went numb and I didn’t feel like I was in my CR anymore then I heard a noise and I jolted but I was back in my CR it felt super wierd
i ruin everything always and forever. i will ruin things my whole entire life, and everything will always be my fault, and no one can do anything to change that. it would be better for everyone if i just ended it, i think.
@apollo_targaryen I'm here for you Apollo, and it really isn't your fault. I promise you'll always have me by your side /gen
thanks for the follow! Also looking at the board, we have some pretty similar conditions (I have Tourette's and C-PTSD and such lmao)
@Whispersofnight oh okay! sorry idk why i JUST saw this lmao. i also have a lot of those, but i'm not human so LMFAO
just gonna keep this here https://www.wattpad.com/story/333166979
tw: suicide, murder i wrote this. proud of it. One foot after the other, she led their beautiful, forsaken dance for the last time. “One, two, three, one, two, three...” she whispered under her breath, drowning in his eyes. Of course, they would meet again. If not in this life, another. She wanted to freeze time, to simply cease to exist anywhere else but this magnificent moment. She twirled and twirled and panted and danced like it was the end of the world- because it was. As she leapt into him for the very last time, she screamed, continuing to dance. Did I say that was the very last time? I lied. He was gone before she could even spin around. Of course, she didn’t know that. Regret, darling. Regret makes a person do unspeakable things. She was psychotic. Pathological. Broken shards of glass in his feet, only sinking deeper with every subtle movement, every miniscule lie, every earth-shattering scream. He put up with it because he loved her. But as soon as he stopped…life itself ended. The world had lost its glow. Its meaning. And it was her fault. She took the knife to his translucent, snowy skin, simply not understanding why or what she was doing. Dragging it across his body, watching the red flood out of his veins, and trying her best to make it stop. Make it end. As the red began to flow less and less, she was aware of nothing but her hands. Covered in his life. The dance came to an end, and she took the knife she disgraced with his love, dragging it across her own body. She watched her own life fade away like dying flames. Surrounded in her crimson life, she closed her eyes, finally feeling peace. “One, two, three. One, two…three….”
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