@applepie234 Lum to the jay you have to read the book [sic] it is AMAZING <3 I'm at chapter 8 'exit it' and it has to be the best book chapter I have ever read
Title: [sic]
By: ScottKelly
It will probably become one of the best books you have read on wattpad
@applepie234 LUMJANA LUMJANA LUUUUUMJAAANAAA! hehe it's gee you have to read this it is really really really cute ( well I have only read the first 5 chapters but it seems really good) it is called 'When it rains in Ocala. Here is the link:http://www.wattpad.com/story/3342398-when-it-rains-in-ocala
I just noticed how cheesy the summary makes the book sounds...