Hi! I just wanted to tell you that @sherlockion has as hunger games contest open for tributes! I just thought I'd let you know because you seem like you are a hunger games fan (and defiantly proud)! Hope you join!! :)
Heeyy thank you so so much for your support! It means a lot! I know I haven't updated in aaggeess (I have exams and stuff) but I'm going to start writing again soon so I'll definitely try my best ;) x
@applesida No problem I'm just saying the truth if u can do me a quick favor n go look at our account n read where it talks bout us that would be great cuz where having some problems on there n we don't know who its talking bout or if both are descriptions are there ~melissa
@applesida I have read ur books n there great keep writing ur a great author ♥ n sorry this is a joint account so sometimes I'll talk to u sometimes my friend will talk to u ~melissa