
haha. lol. so sorry. 
          	uhm, the books are going to be unpublished and i am not planning on continuing the series at all. a lot of personal stuff has come up, and i've become distant with teen wolf and no longer want to be involved in the teen wolf space.
          	sorry again for all the false leads (i rlly thought i wanna gonna finish this time) and i hope u enjoyed the stories <3
          	if u actually want to talk to me, my tumblr/twitter are both @yenskiers.
          	okay bye


haha. lol. so sorry. 
          uhm, the books are going to be unpublished and i am not planning on continuing the series at all. a lot of personal stuff has come up, and i've become distant with teen wolf and no longer want to be involved in the teen wolf space.
          sorry again for all the false leads (i rlly thought i wanna gonna finish this time) and i hope u enjoyed the stories <3
          if u actually want to talk to me, my tumblr/twitter are both @yenskiers.
          okay bye


shoutout to mtv for announcing the teen wolf movie, making me remember the canon ending and plot and forcibly removing all motivation i had to start writing again out of my body. we love to see it :|


I’m so excited for the movie 
            I’ve been waiting for this for what seems to be forever


okay more updates about porcelain— i do finally have a plot to work with, and one that i enjoy. there will be more changes from canon (canon is just a smudge on the horizon at this point) and i am actually excited to write so hopefully i’ll have something soon!!!


the thing about writing this particular teen wolf fic is that i am never satisfied with the end result because i just... don't like teen wolf lmao. i'm consistently having to ignore plot points in order for the story to work, and it's frustrating me to no end. i have only been watching teen wolf since april, only really been thinking about teen wolf. i think it's getting to me... this is a very hard story to write T-T at least, hard to write it the way i want to


@aprcdites they always end up so good too !! definitely go for it !!


@dummysciles i honestly just might… it would definitely be more fun


honestly? to hell with the original plot line, go off and make it your own i love those kinds of stories


guys i accidentally changed the cover of porcelain pls ignore what it is atm i’ll change it soon im so sorry 


@nothingwithfeathers updated message: i do not 


@aprcdites no very relevant but do you have a face claim for porcelain


i can’t stop laughing this is so funny