
Hello, all! It has certainly been a while, and although things have remained quite hectic as of late, I've starting working on a new project, 'Verdant Green'. It's the first time I've done anything of its likes so do bear with me; a seventeen year old writing as a seemingly batty thirty-something year old woman stuck in the 19th century? Seems to me, a good idea :))


Hello, all! It has certainly been a while, and although things have remained quite hectic as of late, I've starting working on a new project, 'Verdant Green'. It's the first time I've done anything of its likes so do bear with me; a seventeen year old writing as a seemingly batty thirty-something year old woman stuck in the 19th century? Seems to me, a good idea :))


Hey lovely, where has your book gone? I try to remember all the people who read mine so I can return the favour and then I realised I hadn't seen anything from you in a hot second.  Hope everything is okay :)


I thought it was great and you're a fantastic writer. I understand you want to edit and tidy things up. As long as you know how great you are ;)


@Suziejayauthor Thank you so much for your concern x just didn't feel the book was "ready" for anything at this point. I'll probably be rewriting a few bits when I have the time :) but for now, that's that, I guess


Oh okay. Just after you got a nice new cover too. Glad all is well x


Thanks for the follow :)


@aprils-end that's awesome glad you're hooked! The story's first draft is complete on here, so you can read in its entirety :)


@Eternalautumnfire It's my pleasure; I just began 'The Dragon's Valkyrie' and goodness – I am hooked! Can't wait to read more :)