
Good Afternoon everybody! A new chapter of 'Crypto' is out now! Chapter Eight is a bit of backstory and insight into how Willow lives her life. Hope you all enjoy!


Please can you write a sequel of the rise of the merfolk. With Aqua living in the ocean maybe even ending up in a relationship with Aqua and finding all about mythical creatures. Please reply as soon as you get this. Thank you and BTW love your stories.


I meant "ending up in a relationship with Noah"


Hello everybody! I am pleased to announce to you that Chapter Six of my story 'Crypto' is now uploaded and ready for you to read. I'm starting to get the proper hang of this stories tone and flow xx Please enjoy and feel free to tell me your thoughts and opinions on the characters. Bye guys!


Chapter Five of my story 'Crypto' is now up! I had fun writing this chapter and having the characters play off of one another and interact. I hope you'll all enjoy it like I did xx Stay safe from Covid guys where I am  (Australia) it just spiked to about 700 cases. Take care and sanitise!


Chapter Four of my story 'Crypto' is now up! I had fun writing this chapter and having the characters play off of one another and interact. I hope you'll all enjoy it like I did xx Stay safe from Covid guys where I am  (Australia) it just spiked to about 700 cases. Take care and sanitise! :)


Hey guys. So a bit of news just hit me...wattpad have decided to take down their forums. This is disturbing to me as a new writer trying to get honest feedback and trying to make something of myself and my writing while also trying to uplift others and their writing too. The forums was my main way of advertising and trying to achieve these goals while connecting to others. If wattpad doesn't update us soon I'm going to have to consider posting or moving to other websites for writers  because I do not agree with this choice they have made and it feels like they are hurting their smaller writers or new writers. I hope that if you would still like to continue R4R's / feedback on your stories you will PM me or if you just want a friend to chat too I am here. I'll update you guys :)
          I will also be uploading a new chapter for my new story 'Crypto'- so stayed tuned guys xx


Hello everyone! I am proud to announce that I have started another new series (which is a slippery slope lmao) but I just had to write it. The first chapter is up, it is titled 'Crypto' and I would love for you all to check it out. It's a crime-romance genre and I am so thrilled. I am of course still working on my other series 'Fantasy Tales' and editing the first book. As always, thanks for supporting me guys!!


@aquamarine4321 Okay no problem 
            Your welcome