
he was a dream come true. 


love you so so much more, always


i’m here, anytime you need me


there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do to bring you back


he was a dream come true. 


love you so so much more, always


i’m here, anytime you need me


there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do to bring you back


for my favourite girlfriend <3 


for now, just a bit busy as well meeting up with friends before i leave. emotionally i haven’t been doing so well, but i’m trying to survive


i’m leaving for china in less than three weeks actually for half a year, so i’m excited about that for sure & a bit scared as well but i’ll manage. i’m just happy i’ll get to see my family again when i think about it


new music new tour please i need everything 


I love you. I thought I’d tell you now lest you forget.


it’s been too long, but i text you every day so in case you needed to hear it elsewhere: I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU.


do you know how far i travelled just to write something ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE? 


I wasn’t popping fireworks on the 4th… I admit it… I was poppin’ this pussy!!!


that’s what i wish for you. i hope you’ll meet someone as amazing as you who’ll take the universe & give you the stars, because you only deserve the best. anything less than the best will not be accepted by me as your boyfriend, this guy has to exceed all my expectations in order to pass the test. sometimes i feel like some people we were just meant to meet in our life & i feel like that with you. i don’t know what was your reason to reach out to me back then & talk to me, but i’m glad you did, because i wouldn’t be able to imagine my life without you now. becoming your friend has been one of the best things that had happened to me & i’m incredibly thankful for knowing someone as lovely as you. i know you’re here in my life to make an impact & you did, you make me feel better, about my accomplishments, my doubts, my problems, but above all, you make me feel better about myself & for that, i’m thankful. everyone could only wish to have a dalia in their life, too bad. arch, santiago & you all have taught me that it’s okay to be a little selfish at times instead of selfless. so, now is one of those moments where i’m gonna be selfish & keep you all to myself <3 i don’t like to share (: anyways, i hope we’ll able to stay in each other’s life for a long time, as long as possible & as long as time allows us to. thank you for your continuous support & encouragement, thank you for being there when i wasn’t doing well, when i felt like breaking down & thank you, for picking up the pieces of my broken heart together with everyone else & hold me up when i felt like falling down, breaking down. i love you, forever & always <3
          yej (:


“when you love someone, you can’t just tell them,” she said.
          “what do you mean?” her friend asked.
          “if you say ‘i love you’, how are they supposed to understand? it’s like trying to comprehend the universe. you have to show them quietly. a coffee. an extra day off. room to stand under the same umbrella. take the universe part and give them the stars.”


this message may be offensive
dear dals,
          it’s been a moment since i wrote something like this to someone. my love letters used to be received in the past only by one person, but since we’re past that, i came up with something new. love letters to friends, whenever i feel like it, unexpected but in the best way. can we first talk about the accomplishments we made the past month? i feel like we don’t recognise them enough. you. graduated. that’s pretty fucking awesome if i’d say so myself. you totally killed it & i’m so incredibly proud of you. time’s passing by fast as today is my last internship day. another achievement. a lot is happening in life now once again, days pass by quick, some are better than others, but giving up? no, we don’t do that. life likes to throw shit at us & we went through a lot, though you’ve always been a friend i can count on, the best. i love how we’re able to talk to each other for hours without getting bored. with you, i feel like i can speak my mind without being judged for it. you’re kind, funny & you’re understanding, caring & patient. all the people who have ever hurt you don’t deserve to know a person like you. all those people who have ever left you don’t deserve to be with someone as amazing as you. i saw a post on instagram today, i feel like telling you about it since it reminded me of you. it went like this: