Hi~ thank you for all the votes you gave to my story “The Undecided Lover”
I always announce on my feed whenever I start a new story or update an ongoing one so my followers are always the first to know so if you wanna follow me that would be awesome <3
Yeah, the one with Rachel McAdam. Ouh, you should watch it, its great! It was based from novel with same title, but I didn’t read the novel, only watched the movie. Haha.. Sure, see you around! ;)
@dredgalkiller Thanks to you too for the awesome story! I’ve enjoyed myself reading your SECOND CHANCE! Somehow it gives me the “Time Traveler’s Wife” vibe. Sooo good, Love it! Will definitely check out your other works as well. Haha..
Thanx! Haha.. i enjoyed reading your story. Read it long time ago, when notjjy mentioned about it last time. But not sure how to categorised it. Now, it sorted! Hahaa..
I was wondering why you thank me suddenly. Then i remembered reading your book!! Thanx for the angst and fluffy story, @ReeneWong ! I enjoyed myself reading it. ;)
Of course I would!! I wouldn’t wanna miss notification should you wanna publish new story. ;)
You know whats funny? I only realised yesterday that I haven’t followed you. Seriously, I thought I’ve already followed you, since I’ve read almost all your works even “First Love”. Hence why I didn’t noticed, cause I kept on receiving update notification as your stories are mostly already in my library. Haha..
Looking forward for awesome updates from you. \(^^;)/