@arbylov Hi and thank you for adding Risking All for Love to your reading list .
I'm so delighted that you found my stories .
My story begins at Holy Cross Mission in the remote village of Bolahun , Liberia , where I served as a Peace Corps teacher .
My experiences in Africa are woven into the narrative , and real people have inspired my characters .
For reasons of nostalgia I included myself and my fellow associates at Holy Cross Mission in the Prologue .
In the scene in the monastery tea room we are discussing Baby Margaux , who is being flown out of the mission airstrip to foster parents .
I used the first names of people who worked with me there . I was the character they called Perk .
By Chapter One Baby Margaux is a young woman , and we are long gone from Holy Cross Mission .
Enjoy my story . It's nice to meet you .