
Hi all I’m gonna be posting one chapter tmr <3 updates will be biweekly for now bc while I’ve planned it out for the fourth book I’m also trying to fix my first book to think about publishing seriously. I appreciate your support and your patience and thank you to the few who stuck along for all the book even tho it’s not perfect!


@arcaneshade tanx for the update promise, and for the record this series is amazing, I love it.


Hi all I’m gonna be posting one chapter tmr <3 updates will be biweekly for now bc while I’ve planned it out for the fourth book I’m also trying to fix my first book to think about publishing seriously. I appreciate your support and your patience and thank you to the few who stuck along for all the book even tho it’s not perfect!


@arcaneshade tanx for the update promise, and for the record this series is amazing, I love it.


Shouldn't the serium have a negative effect on Lena considering she's not an S class ability user; or is she? No offense


no offense taken thank you for analyzing!! you’re right that she was only tested a B-class during the trials and that the syndicate mentioned “it will only work on A-rank and above”, though it isn’t specified why or what are the effects just yet. It’ll be a confusing first few chapters because of Lena’s ability at work, but much will be explained in a few chapters later :) thanks for reading!


Hello there friend, I have checked your book and it's really interesting, enough to make you a good judge of a book, I need that, an opinion on my newly published story if it is possible, I would appreciate a lot. 


2 more chapters for SHADOW before August 19th & I’ll be done with the second book to submit it to the Wattys just for a shot since it’s near completion anyway and, coming September, the third book will follow. Title/ Cover reveal by the end of SHADOW. Thank you for sticking with me, to more worlds that come!!