
HELLOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 7 is up and chapter 8 should be up by the beginning of next week.


To all readers & fans yes I am alive & I plan on updating however because of some crap going on I'm my life right now it might take awhile...I promise though I will have at least a filler chapter up soon...& I have got to say pall the support & encouragement is very much appreciated please keep it up


Ok. So I know i havn't updated in forever and there is no excuss so im not even going to try and give one. A few things. 
          First thing. Thank you to the people who have recently fanned me, reviewed my story, and voted for my story. It means so much to me. 
          Second. I just went ove my story and edited the chapters because of how i set up the chapters didn't exactly line up with how the story goes in my head and didn't line up with the next chapter I had written. so i went back and edited the story so it did line. so if you reread any of the chapters and there is a part that doesn't make scense just message me and i will edit it.
          Third. The next chapter IS DONE. I have it all written out. so i'm gonna start typing it on my laptop either tonight or tomorrow morning. The chapter WILL be up before tomorrow night. I promise. 


To everyone who is reading this...don't worry i haven't fallen off the face of the earth and into a deep dark ancient lap[top decided to die on me literally the day before i was going to update The Lost Princess and deleated the chapter i had saved...however i was able to get a new laptop yesterday and am currently in the proccess of finishing up the chapter as we speak i should be able to update by the weekend pending on sports and schooling but i promise i will be updating in the very near future...also another thing i want to say thank you to the people who messaged and commented on the story i'm really glad there are people out there who actually like what I am writing....well i'm rambling again so bye bye for now