"Life hAs a wAy 0f teachIn6 uS thAt aLL 0f 0ur yesterdays were juZ a partude t0 the beauty 0f t0day"

imma simpLe pers0n.,.
Likes g0ing diff pLaces.,.
sumtyMz quiet.,.
♥'s mUsIc (any kind but not much on Rap).,.
LikeS Lett3rIng wen b0red.,.
can sIn6 a LiL.,.
wubs anIme n man6a... and other b00ks =þ

I r a sw8t00th.,.sensitive but understanding.,.0utg0ing if needed.,.a sleepy-head.,.0pen minded.,.n0t much a girly girl n a d0wn 2 earth pers0n
  • JoinedDecember 15, 2012