
Posted a new story!


Love your varchie story but it's telling me you have updated but when I click on it it's not letting me see it. It says you have 7 or 8 parts but when I click on three story I can't see it 


@ClairMeadows I've seen all parts now. I love your story. You should write more, like a future one with them having kids etc... nice and fluffy of course or one where they are kids themselves 8 or so and thry grow up together etc


That's weird...I'm about to post chapter seven but haven't posted it yet


I just wanna say- your stories are UNBELIEVABLY GOOD!!! Please PLEASE do not focus on the views like most do (including myself and I had erased what I wrote ) and keep writing and  finishing these no matter what!! I love them so much!! I forgot to vote and comment last time so I'm rereading and I'll do it this time!!! YOURE SO EXTREMELY TALENTED- DONT FOCUS ON VIEWS AND VOTES AND STUFF!!! YOURE STILL NEW, THESE'LL TAKE OFF IN NO TIME!! ❤️


Thankyou so much! Xx