
never ever ever had it crossed my mind that I would ever become a KPOP fan
          	now I'm hooked and there's no going back


i did pretty well yeah thank you (i got 88% on science and i still have no clue how, also a 96% on geography and i was up until 2am face timing my friend lmao)
          so you ended yesterday or??? im sure you'll do fine omg
          pLEASE THAT SOUNDS AMAZING))): im going on a trip for all of august so im missing 1d and 5sos its literally the worst thing ever


i don't know really :/ i hope it wasn't so bad, it wasn't hard but it was about finding the theory in examples , i dont really know how to explain it haha it wasn't that hard but at the same time it was hard haha we'll see in a few weeks :) thanks
          whats going on with you? :)


Big shoutout to 5sos for giving me the best night I've had this year so far and for making me the happiest girl tonight. It was amazing and surreal seeing them so up close while they were doing what they love, can't thank them enough. Got a tour programme and a wristband, merch was expensive but it's worth it. It's 12:18 AM right now, have had 2 hours of pcd but I don't think it has sunk ik yet. We'll see how I'll feel tomorrow. Goodnight