
Officially 20 years old and many obstacle coming through this year. I just hope that everyone stay save at home. Spend time wisely with family. Spend your break time with your hobby and don't miss your prayer. I love all my readers. Without you, no one will read my humble novel. Im stil learning and yet many to learn so bear with me. Insyaallah, i will comeback with new novel and complete ASRAMA. Thank you so much for support either you are slient reader or you are actively vote and comment. I just love all of you. Thank you. 



Officially 20 years old and many obstacle coming through this year. I just hope that everyone stay save at home. Spend time wisely with family. Spend your break time with your hobby and don't miss your prayer. I love all my readers. Without you, no one will read my humble novel. Im stil learning and yet many to learn so bear with me. Insyaallah, i will comeback with new novel and complete ASRAMA. Thank you so much for support either you are slient reader or you are actively vote and comment. I just love all of you. Thank you. 


Assalamualaikum guys!!! Lamanya lah x tulis entri ni. Thn 2017 adalah thn pling tough bagi sis sbb kne struggle gila-gila utk spm. N akhirnya lps dh msk dewan peperiksaan, sis dh redha dgn result yg akn dtg. Setelah hampir 3 bln terperuk dlm bilik, melayan kpop, akhirnya tanggal 15/3 tlh dipilih utk melangsungkan perkahwinan.. Eh... Bkn. Sis blom ad calon lagi. Hehehe   15/3 akn diumumkan keputusan spm 2017. Ya Allah, trs meremang bulu kakilku. Sis cuma mintak support dri korang and doakan semoga keputusan tu melayakkan sis utk melanjutkan pelajaran dlm bidang yg sis nak iaitu bioteknologi pertanian. Doakan sis ok. Kalu boleh semua bdk Asrama sekolah sis dpt naik pentas. Bdk asrama je. Bdk harian tu lain kategori. Hahahahah. Doakan yg terbaik utk kitorang k. N semoga sekolah cepatlah dpt naik pangkat jadi sekolah berprestasi tinggi. Dh dkt 7 thn asyik jadi sekolah kluster je. N semoga sekolah sis trs jadi nombor satu di daerah sis n top 5 di negeri sis. Amiinnnnnn