Literally the best writer I've seen on this app. Your stories are amazing . I'm currently reading BNHA Oneshots and OMG their so good. Sorry if I'm blabbering I just can't help it. Love you!!!!!!
Reading Lists
Ya'll, I am fixin' to CRY! I posted my new one-shot "Reincarnation" under my BNHA one-shots literally asking for comments and feedback. I have gotten 150+- views in under two days, but only ONE comment, you guys. I just love hearing from you guys and getting comments and feedback, and so the one time I ask for it, I don't get it Please PLEASE go read if you'd like and give lots of feedback and even any ideas that may arise as you read it! It is for a big project I am working on as it is explained a little in the author's notes in that one-shot! I love you guys and hope Ya'll give me some great tips and ideas! (It is unedited/rough draft so there are grammatical errors, sadly as I was too lazy to go back and correct them... sorry...)
Literally the best writer I've seen on this app. Your stories are amazing . I'm currently reading BNHA Oneshots and OMG their so good. Sorry if I'm blabbering I just can't help it. Love you!!!!!!
Haiii ik you probably won't even see this but I just wanna say that your a really talented writer. I've been reading the BKDK one shot and each chapter is like a full blown story book. I really do think you have the potential to be writer one day:)) anyways I hope u have a nice day
@Charlie_mwahxoxi your welcome it's so hard to find good oneshot books these days so I'm really happy I found yours^^
did ya write a chapter and deleted it (': ?
@ari-ridrake oh that's alright, as long as you didn't think it wasn't that good and deleted it, 'cause I'm pretty sure everything u write is the best (: , take ur time there's no rush
Ya'll, I am fixin' to CRY! I posted my new one-shot "Reincarnation" under my BNHA one-shots literally asking for comments and feedback. I have gotten 150+- views in under two days, but only ONE comment, you guys. I just love hearing from you guys and getting comments and feedback, and so the one time I ask for it, I don't get it Please PLEASE go read if you'd like and give lots of feedback and even any ideas that may arise as you read it! It is for a big project I am working on as it is explained a little in the author's notes in that one-shot! I love you guys and hope Ya'll give me some great tips and ideas! (It is unedited/rough draft so there are grammatical errors, sadly as I was too lazy to go back and correct them... sorry...)
Hello there, Just writing to say Green hope is one of my best, but I've a bug on the chapter Boyfriend at the end of the story, just can see the first paragraph If you know how to fix it pls Ty for your Amazing stories ❤️
@TheLastMtvLord oh no! It comes up fine on my end! I'm really sorry, ill see what I can do, though
hello author, hope ur having a good day so far, anyway i like ur one shot bakudeku and i have a request if that's okay? pls let me know, ty and have a good one
@Jessica_59 like I said, can't garuntee anything cause of my schedule and everything else I'm working on, but I'll see what I can do :)
@ari-ridrake i would like it to be dabi, and it would be amazing if something happens between them in the past and he want izuku for himself or something, and oh, bakugou and izuku were already dating that time, and make izuku a lil lil hurt after all what happened
can you please update 'TodoDeku :: Entangled Disasters'. I am dying for the next chapter
Ok- but Disney movie BakuDeku AU's- ???
Okay okay, hear me out, you and @manda-link rEMIND ME SO MUCH OF EACH OTHER
@ari-ridrake @-MandaLink- tbh i dont really know, I Honestly I have no idea it’s just kinda a feeling
I just read Dynamics, and it is probably my favorite story on this app.
@Buffylover1997 i just read it there and I love it too! Honestly the best omegaverse ive read, thanks for writing it ari-ridrake!
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