
Hello!!! I feel like a ghost in here. I remember how many friends I had here, the interactions, the loads of notifications I used to receive, how Wattpad was my only happy place and now I feel empty... 
          	Anyways sooo if anyone's (still) reading my book, I uploaded chapter 35!!! ❤❤❤
          	Have a nice day and I hope I can interact with you all one day again! (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)


@Kushu__ Kushu__ thank you sooo much for your reply!!! Your words comfort me everytime and honestly, I'm sooo grateful!!! I've been going through a lot lately, it's my last year at school and I'm preparing for my finals which technically will define my future smh soo yeah I'm not sure if I'm going to update anytime soon. Maybe on my Christmas break. Till next time, stay safe and healthy! Lots lots of love!!! xoxo ❤❤❤❤❤
          	  ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


Hello!!! I feel like a ghost in here. I remember how many friends I had here, the interactions, the loads of notifications I used to receive, how Wattpad was my only happy place and now I feel empty... 
          Anyways sooo if anyone's (still) reading my book, I uploaded chapter 35!!! ❤❤❤
          Have a nice day and I hope I can interact with you all one day again! (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)


@Kushu__ Kushu__ thank you sooo much for your reply!!! Your words comfort me everytime and honestly, I'm sooo grateful!!! I've been going through a lot lately, it's my last year at school and I'm preparing for my finals which technically will define my future smh soo yeah I'm not sure if I'm going to update anytime soon. Maybe on my Christmas break. Till next time, stay safe and healthy! Lots lots of love!!! xoxo ❤❤❤❤❤
            ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


          I missed the live cause I was busy with housework :(
          I love you all and miss you!!
          Let's hope we'll get a comeback this year. (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
          Also let's get prepared for LS1!! 
          I'm so grateful for stanning these girls and I wish they didn't get so much hate cause they don't deserve it. They're the sweetest, most talented and kindest girls!
          Let's support them & protect them blinks !!! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
          Stay safe! 
          Love you ♡


I don't know if it's just me, but everytime I go out I get so frustrated with people (men more specifically) staring at me. Like that's why I never get out. People are so weird. 


@vouspjm yeah exactly, and then they'll start laughing and I'm like "what's so funny? Is there a joke written on my forehead or what?" 


exactly, i get uncomfortable like is there something on my face ? why r u staring at me like that 


For any readers of my book here, I just wanted to announce that Chapter 33 of Love Triangle is OUT!!! 
          Check it out if you haven't already! Love you and thank you, have a great day ❤❤❤


@jenzzguk lmaoo omgg ok if you finish it tell me what you think, lol love you, you guys make my day ❤❤❤


@arianator_army_blink im in the astraphobia one, but I didn’t finish it, I was eating my soup lol


@jenzzguk lmaoo really?? In which chapter are you now? 


13.5K READS?? OMFG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


@vouspjm thank you sooo much (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃❤❤❤y'all soo cute I love you (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞


deserved <3


this message may be offensive
I already knew that BTS weren't going to win the Grammy and I can't really bring myself to say that I'm disappointed because I expected it. They're xenophobic, racists and clout seeking brats. BTS' reaction though really hurt me. They've worked really really hard and they were dreaming about winning a Grammy since their debut. Of course they deserve it and Grammys better stop using them for clout and give them what they deserve. After all, they know how much impact we have so if they know what's good for them, they will give a Grammy to BTS next year. I mean, they better do cause I'm throwing hands. 
          Now, as I've seen some hate comments under both Ari's and Gaga's posts, pls stop. It's not the artists who control who wins. They didn't do anything wrong. We all are upset but please act maturely. Being an arianator I know that Ari doesn't really give a shit about Grammys so if you wanna blame someone, blame them.
          I've been an arianator for 4 years now but I still believe that Dynamite deserved the award. I think it's obvious why. It was the song of the year, it has broken so many records, it remained on billboard's top 10 for so many weeks, it has already almost 1 billion views. It has gained so much love from other artists too. I'm happy for Ariana cause I know she works hard too, but still...
          Ariana didn't win a SINGLE Grammy last year even though Thank U, Next was album of the year to me and now they decide to give her one? And it's a collab which is not even on her album? Plsss
          Scammys can suck my d*ck honestly. 
          Anyways let's not spread hate, BTS wouldn't like to see us sending death threats to other artists and you know how much they support Ari and Gaga, especially RM, so please, there's no use. Let's just keep supporting BTS cause I'm sure they're going through a hard time now. 


my account is DEAD lmao. I need new friends (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)


@Kushu__ thank you soooooo much!!! Your support means the world to me!!! ❤❤I'll try my best to improve my skills more and give you an iconic sequel once this ends!! love u and pls stay safe ❤❤ ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


@Kushu__ It's just that almost no one replies to my questions or shows support :( I mean i just made a simple question lmao but only 2 people replied. Anyway, thank you for the support, it means a lot to me!! ❤❤❤
            I'm just a little dramatic ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ