
I decided that, I am going to continue writing "Of Love" while I write "What is lost".  "Of Love" is currently undergoing a lot of editing at the moment, but I will be publishing it again, soon. Please check back here and there because I will be posting 20 chapters. :)


I decided that, I am going to continue writing "Of Love" while I write "What is lost".  "Of Love" is currently undergoing a lot of editing at the moment, but I will be publishing it again, soon. Please check back here and there because I will be posting 20 chapters. :)


Hi, could you please check out one of my stories? One of them is called The Ranting Project which is just me bitching about pointless things.  The other is called The Vampire Days which is about vampires hence the title.  It would mean so much if you would check out one of my stories :)