
Hey y’all! 
          	I made a new story on my new account so go to @yourprinc3ssari and obliterate that mf read button. Btw I’m deleting this account 


Okie someone convince me that I'm a good writer I wanna write something


@arieru141220 you just need to find what works for you


I'm gonna start posting whenever I add a new story to one of my reading lists. I just added one that was freaking amazing! Its on my lgbtq+ reading list and if you wanna go check it out then be my guest. I totally recommend it.


Ok so sorry for not updating for a while but I've been so busy (i bet y'all are sick of hearing how busy i am all the time sorry) im graduating on the 20th and i have lots of stuff and things to do and plan till then super sorry


@arieru141220 That's alright, I'm sure you'll update when you get  a chance to