Guys, I got back to writing again!!! Found out it actually calms me down and that really helps me mentally and I do need that. Even though I hate myself every morning when I wake up from 5 hours of sleep but I just hope the next chapter will be worth it. So yeah, I'm working hard for you all.
I have a lot to do in school though, since I'm in my final year and it's all so crazy and chaotic and full of big and important exams. So my writing and posting won't be regular, and even if it somehow was, it'd be in long time periods.
By the way, I've noticed, unfortunately, not only 'few' grammatical mistakes in my previous chapters and I am so genuinely sorry for it. Like seriously. When I saw it I was like "What tf, was I on drugs?!"
Well again, I apologize. But it'll probably happen again and I want to pre-apologize for that as well.
Anyways, when you're reading this, thank you for sticking with me. ❤