
@MonicaPiilua Hahah thank you so much !! And I've updated hope you like it ^^


this message may be offensive
You got me fucked up with the hanbin story like wtf they waited for eachother for years and then all of that shit went down and they didn't even end up together I really love the story but you really got me mad 


hi there, I've gotta say this message gave me a good laugh. I absolutely understand your frustration. when I was writing this, a part of me was yelling at me for writing such an ending, but I just felt it was reflective of that time of my life where good things came to an end, and yes it is unfortunate, but the experiences and memories they have made with each other will forever be treasured. I wished to communicate this message to people. That sometimes bad things will happen, but you will get through it :) 
            But I'm very glad you enjoyed the story, do make sure to check out my other works. Have a lovely day !! Xoxox Aritha


Hey, Your story was a blast! I really thought Hanbin and Chaeyoung would still be together but the plot twisted haha btw do you have any social media account?


Hello I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, I do not currently have any other social media account however I am planning to perhaps begin a tumblr blog but yea that's it wattspad and me


@HanBinnie_Ikon hi nice to meet you. I am from Australia hahaha


@HanBinnie_Ikon  hahahah sorry I won't be able to disclose any more details about me hahahah but it is one of them ^^ hahahah


@arithamurphy Australia ? Oh.. Daebak ! Sydney? Canberra ? Melbourne ? These are three cities I've ever been ^^