
If you are getting this message, it is to inform you about what's been happening to Minty. 4 days ago, she has been hospitalized mainly due to the loss of blood and this has been the result of her self-harming. By the looks of it, she has been self-harming for a long time. The doctors have been testing her blood and checking up on her body and found out that Minty's also attempted to kill herself by overdosing several times, yet only to fail. For the past 3 nights, I (her friend) have been visiting her and waiting for her to wake up, as she hasn't woken up yet. This brings me to my next topic of conversation, the doctors don't know if she will wake up, or even make it. Her parents are out of the country at the moment and are unreachable for the next few weeks. She has written a letter for a select few just in case she doesn't make it. If she doesn't make it, I will send you your letter, as she has written different letters for each individual. Thank you for your time.


Oh my god I’m so sorry! Is she okay? Prayers are sent your way