Official Announcement:
I will be publishing the entirety of "The Lonely Sky" in appx. September or November of this year, while "My Sister" may take a bit of a while.
It's more of because I feel like "The Lonely Sky" is easier since I will be taking it into a slightly dark path (not yandere or extreme ones that has too much horrific stuff i.e. gore and whatnot) because I love horror and thriller movies but I will try to repress the urge to go on full dark version
And "My Sister", well I will be trying romantic comedy for it with a dallop of drama because despite having a boyfriend, I strongly dislike romance because of how it's just so overly exaggerated and clichèd to the point's just out of my zone to write romance. But I will be trying that however, I will be adding my own twist . And as for the comedy aspect, I would like to say that I'm decent at it but my humor is very different from what I would like to show in this book. But so far, not much problem.