
Howdy :))
          	In case anyone isn't aware, Tales of Bronze is in my drafts. I started that fic when I was thirteen and it's nowhere near an accurate representation of my writing ability so I find it cringey. That destroyed all my motivation to get anything done with it. Anyway, I'm revamping the entire story, which means by the time I reupload it'll be a new fic worth the read! Thank you all for your patience in the meantime<3


@HeelsAreCute thank you for understanding and I'm honestly mind-blown to think I could have inspired anyone, thank you! I'll definitely give them a read<33


@ladykurokuma omg I'm so happy you didn't take the story down forever, you were my inspiration to start writing RA fanfics myself! (and I get the feeling lmao I've spent many hours cringing at my old writing and rewriting it)


@Charlie_Bharlie AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH<333


Howdy :))
          In case anyone isn't aware, Tales of Bronze is in my drafts. I started that fic when I was thirteen and it's nowhere near an accurate representation of my writing ability so I find it cringey. That destroyed all my motivation to get anything done with it. Anyway, I'm revamping the entire story, which means by the time I reupload it'll be a new fic worth the read! Thank you all for your patience in the meantime<3


@HeelsAreCute thank you for understanding and I'm honestly mind-blown to think I could have inspired anyone, thank you! I'll definitely give them a read<33


@ladykurokuma omg I'm so happy you didn't take the story down forever, you were my inspiration to start writing RA fanfics myself! (and I get the feeling lmao I've spent many hours cringing at my old writing and rewriting it)


@Charlie_Bharlie AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH<333