
Huge shout out by the way to @covercreator on tumblr for making my new awesome covers! Everyone go check her out if you want some customized covers!!! <3


Hi guys! So sorry for the sudden abandonment again...I know I promised I'd make these short stories, but I haven't had much time -- now I'm working on things for college and writing has been placed on the backburner. If anyone wants to see any of my writing, you can follow my roleplaying account @la-vie-cn-rose on tumblr! But yes, I'm working on a few stories and updates they should be coming up soon!


I'm so sorry guys, I've abandoned all of you for so long I feel so bad ahh
          So, the future of this account? I'll start posting short stories--maybe about 4-6 (hehe look at that reference) chapters long...
          I will update my other stories, but that will be a lot more infrequent...however, I'm currently working on a new chapter for Child of the Wolves!! :D stay tuned!! <3


Hello guys! I just recently saw the movie Inside Out and loved it! I was just wondering... would you guys want a crossover story switching between Tris and Tobias' heads from Divergent? I would include new characters such as Embarrassment and Lust! How bout it? Pls respond!


helloooo! so yes i am a cruel human for never updating you guys... like ever.... but I have a reason. Finals are coming up and I have to take two regents this year and i just can't update due to me studying non stop. I am so sorry and I'll definitely try to update more after school lets out. but now, I'm starting to write another chapter of "Child of Wolves" so be excited (i guess)....