
Hello! I hope all of you are doing well. I apologize for the incredibly long absence.I got caught up with a lot of things and it became way too much. But I'm slowly getting back into the flow of things as of now. I want to thank you for the incredible response to my works-65.5 k reads on my one-shots book. I'm so amazed and I don't know, just humbled by it all. 
          	Once again, thank you for the votes and the reads and I will be back with an update soon. 


Hello! I hope all of you are doing well. I apologize for the incredibly long absence.I got caught up with a lot of things and it became way too much. But I'm slowly getting back into the flow of things as of now. I want to thank you for the incredible response to my works-65.5 k reads on my one-shots book. I'm so amazed and I don't know, just humbled by it all. 
          Once again, thank you for the votes and the reads and I will be back with an update soon. 


          First of all I need to thank every single one of you for the massive number of reads on Hold me close. Trust me,it's feels anything but real for me.So,thank you again.
          I'm sorry that I haven't been replying to your comments-it's another excuse I know,but my laptop decided to die and I haven't got a new one yet.Till then it's all on the mobile application which sucks -_-.But I promise to reply to all of your comments that you have actually taken the time out to write.
          Sorry again and thank you for your support!!!!


          I hope all of you are having an amazing summer! This little message is to let you know that I will be putting all of my books ON HOLD  for the time being (actually I don't even know for how long).No, I'm not going to stop writing all together , of course, but updates will be few and far in between. My classes have begun and it's really, really hectic already and UGH.
          Thank you for 500+votes !!! and the reads on all of my books!!! Thank you so much. I will try to update as and when I can but I 'm not sure myself.
          That's all and have a great summer!!