
Status: Cringing at my old 2013 work!


@artist52x0 Hey welcome back! :D


Hello you! I don't know if you're still active on this account, but there's an anime I recommend. You should totally watch Black Butler x3


@luvmypetz Hello! Yeah, I'm not very active anymore. But besides that, black Butler has been on my anime list for a while. I have seen the first episode and loved it! I plan on picking out up though. :)


Hey guys. Paris will wake up from the tragic terror attack that took place the night of November 13th. I don't want to scare anyone, but just know there are bad people in this world who want to place fear in our hearts and minds. No matter what, we can't let them achieve this. If we aren't scared of them, if we don't back down, and if we don't think or about them every second, they will have no power over us.
          The best thing all of us can do is be aware of world events, or at the very least, know your surroundings and home town status. Just don't be ignorant, do your research, and surround yourself with people you care about.
          I'm going to end this on a more positive note. Life is too short to be paranoid. Fear, though important to survival, should not control your life. When ever you can, make all the happy memories you can! Go out, see the world, explore hidden parts in town. We still got some time before the end of the world.
          Thank you, and have a good day.


I'm back from the dead and now writing! Or trying to at least! ;)
          The plan is to update Fairytalia (As you can see I updated it today). Infact, I was planing to upload the next part/chapter tomorrow. However, I lost most of the work I did on the bus ride home. That will (Hopefully) be a minor set back. Full steam ahead! >.<
          ((Oh yeah, almost forgot, Happy back to school season! Keep Those grades up!!!))


Kumusta! Thank you for the 2 votes and follow! >w<


@Pinkiepie154 Yeah, it is fixed. Right now, I'm just waiting for summer. Ours starts in two weeks. High school has caught me off guard! ^.^ ...


            Well, you said the apple blossoms of the family was on hold cause of your "stupid report card" exept its been 8 whole months since you've updated it,


HOLY COW!!! My friend gave me a piece of fish this morning before school. It was the toughest fish I ever had. When I asked her what kind of fish it was, she replied: "It's not fish. It's snake." O.o
          She found a snake that got hit by a car, skinned it, and cooked it! She told me it was fish T.T     ((BTW it's not uncommon to see a snake lying around where i live. Just to not freak you out by random snakes))