Hey guys. Paris will wake up from the tragic terror attack that took place the night of November 13th. I don't want to scare anyone, but just know there are bad people in this world who want to place fear in our hearts and minds. No matter what, we can't let them achieve this. If we aren't scared of them, if we don't back down, and if we don't think or about them every second, they will have no power over us.
The best thing all of us can do is be aware of world events, or at the very least, know your surroundings and home town status. Just don't be ignorant, do your research, and surround yourself with people you care about.
I'm going to end this on a more positive note. Life is too short to be paranoid. Fear, though important to survival, should not control your life. When ever you can, make all the happy memories you can! Go out, see the world, explore hidden parts in town. We still got some time before the end of the world.
Thank you, and have a good day.