
4 days to my finals starting but I am here completing the book I started to write 5 months ago


@artistic_psychopath Haha Cutie!
          	  You’re Welcome Dear! ^_^


@artistic_psychopath Do what you feel like at the moment. Then when you feel like it’s really time to start studying, you can somehow convince your mind to stay focused on exams. And to reward yourself, you can again do what you and your mind want. Make sure to have this cycle on loop. It helps you to focus and concentrate when you need to, and also keeps your mind in a relaxed and stress-free mood all the time (except the time when you suddenly feel stressed or nervous but even those you will be able to control when you follow this cycle).
          	  Hope this helps! ^_^
          	  And I have complete belief that you’re going to rock the finals, and you’ll be in awe at how well you’ve given all the exams!
          	  You’re Superly, Amazingly, Fantastically, Mind-blowingly, *YOU*
          	  And I, on behalf of an insanely large population, want to announce that we all love you with all our hearts, for *YOU*
          	  Huggies!! To!! You!!


Hello precious hooman ᵔᴥᵔ
          I am here after a long time ✋️ again to remind you something! 
          Slow down. Yes slow down . It's needed right now . 
          If things are not happening your way then the universe is sending you signs to not give up but just slow down to reflect on everything you have and who is there for you . 
          You are always finding something to do and somewhere to go but you have the greatest gift in your possession. 
          Give presense to these moments and to yourself. Listen to what your mind ,heart and body needs . It's time to reflect on who is there for you and who is not . Reflect on what matters to you and the thing you are running behind is it worth it ? 
          Sit and think my friend. I know deep self reflection is hard but it's rewarding . 
          I know you can do it . Trust yourself. 
          I know I came after days ~~ 
          Here's a heart ❤️ for an apology . 
          Take care ~~


Hey YOU . 
          YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. ❤ 
          Believe me . Your every curve , every line is perfect. You don't have to stand on society standards . You have to be just yourself. 
          Make your own standards . Standards such as confidence , beautiful persona . 
          Your every mole , freckle , stretch marks , scars , tattoos , birthmarks , everything is so damn gorgeous . They all just make you more real and are a proof that you have lived . So never be embarrassed to have them . They make you YOU . 
          You define your beauty . That's not a power anyone can have over you . 
          You are worthy. You are enough . You are freaking special.  Know that . 



Hey hooman !!! \(>o<)/
          How are you ??? 
          I hope you are doing great~~ 
          I just wanted to tell you something okie . 
          Listen listen !! 
          The minute you decide you want better for yourself is the minute the entire universe begins to shift in your favor. 
          Your declaration, command , intentions ,visions and prayers will start the creation of your new reality . All you have to do is decide and never look back . 
          And I believe in you. 
          Now go drink water .Meditate. And decide when are you starting !! 
          All the best <3 


@artistic_psychopath //I am fine hun and welcome ! ❤


@TheIllusioner05 Hi! How are you? Thank you for the sweet message above, really appreciate it.


4 days to my finals starting but I am here completing the book I started to write 5 months ago


@artistic_psychopath Haha Cutie!
            You’re Welcome Dear! ^_^


@artistic_psychopath Do what you feel like at the moment. Then when you feel like it’s really time to start studying, you can somehow convince your mind to stay focused on exams. And to reward yourself, you can again do what you and your mind want. Make sure to have this cycle on loop. It helps you to focus and concentrate when you need to, and also keeps your mind in a relaxed and stress-free mood all the time (except the time when you suddenly feel stressed or nervous but even those you will be able to control when you follow this cycle).
            Hope this helps! ^_^
            And I have complete belief that you’re going to rock the finals, and you’ll be in awe at how well you’ve given all the exams!
            You’re Superly, Amazingly, Fantastically, Mind-blowingly, *YOU*
            And I, on behalf of an insanely large population, want to announce that we all love you with all our hearts, for *YOU*
            Huggies!! To!! You!!


Hey hooman !!! \(>o<)/
          How are you ? 
          I hope you are doing good ♡ 
          I just wanted you to remember one thing when you wake up each morning , take a moment to think about the kind of life you want to have . 
          And consciously choose to have a happy life ; one that is filled with love , laughter , good health and success. 
          Then begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality . 
          ❝It is better to look ahead and prepare , than to look back and regret.❞ 
          ❝If you need something to believe in , start with yourself.❞ 
          Have a great day ahead . 
          And take care of yourself. 


@artistic_psychopath //I understand hun but in between don't forget to take care of yourself okie . All the very best ~ 
            And thank you , I will take care .


@TheIllusioner05 Hi! I am doing good but just bit tired cause of exams. What bout you?
            Thats really sweet of you. And you too take care of yourself. Good night/morning/afternoon/evening


Heyo ~~
          Just remember this you nice hooman.(⌒∇⌒) 
          ❝Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.❞
          Mark Twain 
          ❝It's better to be your genuine self, and have fewer of the right kinds of people in your life, than it is to surround yourself with those who only accept you as long as you conform to their idea of who you should be.❞
          Zero Dean 
          ❝Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you, not what’s best for somebody else.❞
          ❝Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.❞
          Paulo Coelho 
          Have a beautiful day and take care of yourself!


@TheIllusioner05 you take care of yourself too!


          Hello hooman ! (◠‿◠✿) 
          So...2022 is coming.  As we gonna start New Year ....I just want to say that this year is gone . I hope this year was absolutely good for you. If it was , then keep the memories and beautiful moments in your heart and start new year with same happiness and love .   ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ 
          And if it was bad or not so good for you ...then too start this year with new hope . 
          This is a new start. Shed all the sadness behind along with hurting memories . 
          As this year is ending , I wish all the negativity and difficulties also end with this year and bring success and desired results for you . ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ 
          May you have a beautiful year ahead that is filled with love , laughter , brightness and hope. Wishing you a Happy New Year in advance . ★~(◡‿◡✿) 


Tyy sweetie! Hope you’re doing good