
i came across this thought today. maybe it will be some good food for thought. 
          	"we're here. we're people. but we can't put ourselves above our God's head. doesn't matter if he exists, we still have to stay on the earth til our last day."
          	-moral is that we, people, value ourselves more than others, when we actually shouldn't. 


i came across this thought today. maybe it will be some good food for thought. 
          "we're here. we're people. but we can't put ourselves above our God's head. doesn't matter if he exists, we still have to stay on the earth til our last day."
          -moral is that we, people, value ourselves more than others, when we actually shouldn't. 


Greitu metu pasirodys nauja istorija "Nepanaikinama Meilužės Etiketė"! Istorija bus iš dalies paremta tikrais faktais, tik veikėjų vardai ir visa kita bus pakeista:) Tikiuosi, jog ši istorija jus sudomins ir paliks įspūdį. 
          P.s. niekam nelinkėčiau teisti ir bandyti nuspėti istorijos siužetą iš pavadinimo, nes tai kur kas daugiau negu merginos išdavystė.