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"layla be quiet." "LAYLA SHUT UP." "STOP TALKING ABOUT IT LAYLA JUST SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING FUCK." "layla. ive told you this already. be quiet. shut up. no one needs to pity you. im p r o t e c t i n g you. im h e l p i n g you." All these damn voices are in my head. and they seem right. i just need to shut up. no one cares about mw anymore i keep wanting to talk with people tell them shit but i cant becaise im afraid of the voices then they get louder and louder as i tell myself to do it, theres a ringing now theres no escape i cant stop it its over im gone. Tje more and more i keep lyong the more and more suspicious i look so here im cutting and im depressed and no one seems to care because i keep trying to give hints no one can help me no one no one no one. these voices get louder and louder everyday and people keep saying hurtful stuff i cant trust anyone every one slowly ignores me now because they have better friends who arent like me and have to face the fact when they say they want to help they dont and they cant. EVERYONE HATES ME, NO BODY CARES, EVERYONE WANT ME G O N E,, I CANT LIVE WITH THE GUILT,, I HAVE NO ONE,, DONT SAY YOU CARE TO U DONT, I CANT ITS OVER, JUST GAME OVeR JUSt nno one understands anymore. to everyone who managed to sit threw this. im sorry im a fuck up. im sorry im ugly. im sorry im never good enough. im sorry okay? im done now their back. "you miss me you fucker? now what did i tell you. s h u t u p."