
Hi! I love HG and I love your books so much, keep on updating! I'm about to write a fanfic can I please have some advice ? 


Thankyou so much for the reply and the advice. I'm thinking of doing a fanfic based on Harry Potter, And I want to kind of add a twist. Yea I posted a message on @ren_birdi s wall. Thank you. 


+ If you want a professional cover: just email my friend @ren_birdi she made my Katniss After Mockingjay cover! Isn't it great?!


Hey @fanfichg ! I try to update as soon as I get ideas! Which is 2 or 3 times a week ?! It's great fun writing fanfic, what's yours going to be about? My advice is to let your creative juice flow, and don't forget to have fun! Do it the way you like, and it's good to update frequently! If you have any questions feel free to ask! I will definitely read your fanfic! So get started ;)