
@xx5SOS_1Dxx haha thank you! Love your name


@janoskianator4life13 Omg u were back on! And my mom wanted me 2 not use the computer 4 a whole day. It was pain, but i made a step up goal I didnt read any sonic and amy junk 4 a whole day. And....its not that hard as i thought.
          U should be proud of me kid. Even right now im not reading, but thats gonna change in the next few minutes,...maybe? (evil smirk) O.o


By reading ur profile, I think we're sisters :P if u don't know what i mean, check out mine. :D I love how celebrities always wear their own shirts -_- check out the background. and that one shirt Jack Barakat has that's like 'Who the &^%@ is Jack Barakat?!' haha that's the best one. Idk I'm bored....